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Dear Friends,
Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!
This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Gene Yaw
State Senator
Click here to find the latest information on coronavirus from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
*BREAKING NEWS: Pennsylvania Court Blocks Governor’s Carbon Emissions Plan; Senator Yaw’s statement.
Three Pennsylvania Democrat state senators joined with all 29 Republican senators in a move Monday to override Gov. Wolf’s plan to impose a carbon tax on electric power generators, raise electric bills for consumers and enter PA into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The veto override attempt failed by one vote.
Senate Agriculture Committee reports out four bills, including Senator Yaw’s bill establishing Animal Welfare Board, Whole Milk in PA Schools Legislation
Update on the Act 10 Emergency Medical Services COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program – agencies have until Sunday, April 10th at 11:59pm to submit certification applications to be included for a grant.
SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency Program offers services related to flood resiliency and mitigation assistance both within and outside of its 11-county region.
Work Begins on Warrensville Road in Lycoming County; Bids opened for the first construction contract for the southern section of the Central Susquehanna Valley Transportation Project (CSVT).
Op-Ed: A Pennsylvania and United States Tragedy
By Sen. Gene Yaw

Three Pennsylvania environmental groups handed Russian President Vladimir Putin a major victory. Those same groups are cheering and patting themselves on the back because they successfully shut down an $800 million liquified natural gas project in one of the most rural parts of my Senate district.
New Fortress Energy had undertaken plans to build a high-capacity facility in Wyalusing, Bradford County to produce liquified natural gas (LNG). That product would then be shipped through a terminal in New Jersey for distribution to foreign countries.
In Europe, a major question over the last decade has been what is the preferred energy source? France has placed emphasis on nuclear power. Germany chose a policy which closed both its coal fired and nuclear electric generation capacity. To fill the energy gap, Russia stepped in with natural gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. READ MORE
Honoring Williamsport Area High School Student Athletes

On Friday, I was honored to visit Williamsport Area High School to present Senate Proclamations to members of the school’s co-ed cheer and wrestling teams, as well as to members of the school’s swimming and diving team on their recent PIAA District IV and state championship victories.
These athletes showed tremendous commitment to their sport and to each other this season. I’m glad we were able to recognize their accomplishments in the Senate and I look forward to seeing what they continue to accomplish in their high school and collegiate careers. READ MORE
AFP-Pennsylvania Recognition on Mid-Session Legislative Scorecard

Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA), the leading conservative grassroots organization fighting for lower taxes and limited government in the state, recognized my 104% Mid-session Legislative Scorecard.
I am humbled by this recognition. I am proud to stand with Americans for Prosperity and my fellow conservatives in the state in support of our constitutional rights and commonsense policies.
“As an organization with a permanent grassroots infrastructure that spans the four corners of the commonwealth, accountability is a year-round commitment from our staff to activists,” said Ashley Sisca Klingensmith, AFP-PA State Director. “This midsession scorecard recognized 31 bills with 8,500 individual votes. Senator Yaw did not waiver in his commitment to minimizing the influence of Harrisburg through championing legislation that empowers Pennsylvanians to reach their version of the American Dream, unencumbered by government. For that, we thank him and congratulate him on his 104% score.”
Pennsylvania Acts to Support Ukraine

Pennsylvania has the second-largest population of Ukrainian Americans in the nation, with more than 122,000. Pennsylvania government is planning several responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in order to deny funds to Russia and show solidarity with Ukrainians.
Treasurer Stacy Garrity said the Treasury had started to divest its holdings in Russian-based companies. The Pennsylvania School Employees’ Retirement System is gathering details about its exposure to Russian-related investments and could divest in a few weeks.
In addition, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is reviewing its inventory and is expected to stop selling vodka made in Russia.
To keep Russia in check in the long term, we must reassert America’s energy independence. Increasing domestic energy production and exports to European countries will go a long way toward reducing Russian influence and denying the regime the funds it needs to make war.