Senator Yaw E-Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!

This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Gene Yaw
State Senator


Click here to find the latest information on coronavirus from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

BREAKING:  Area Projects Receive State Investments

I was pleased to support several projects that received funding this week by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).  Our legislative advocacy is strong, and we are fortunate to have many good local officials who are forward-thinking in planning these projects, cleaning up our environment and promoting economic growth for our region.  These investments have a positive impact for all residents.

Projects receiving (partial) funding from the Multimodal Transportation Fund include:

  • $375,000 for Sayre Borough (Bradford County): Funding will assist with a streetscape project in the downtown business district near the Guthrie Campus.  The project includes replacing thirty-one metal streetlight poles and twenty-two wooden streetlight poles, roadway milling, grading, reconstruction and repaving of seven roads, new curbing and more.
  • $150,000 for Jersey Shore Borough (Lycoming County): Funding will assist with a streetscape project.  The proposed project will help accomplish phase-one of a transportation plan by enhancing the sidewalks, bump outs, signage, crosswalks and curb ramps along Bank Alley & South Main Street, Fountain Street and Allegheny Street, and Staver and Allegheny Street.
  • $225,000 for Kelly Township (Union County): Funding will construct a roundabout at the intersection of JPM Road and Hospital Drive.

Projects receiving (partial/full) funding from the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program include:

  • $100,000 for Sayre Borough (Bradford County): Funding will assist with the third and final phase of the Diahoga Trail project on top of the borough’s levee system.
  • $27,145 for Towanda Borough (Bradford County): Funding will assist with the development of a master plan for the three-municipal parks located in Towanda Borough.  
  • $78,002 for Jersey Shore Borough (Lycoming County): Funding will assist Jersey Shore with its Active Transportation Plan and connect the existing DCNR-funded rail trail to the Susquehanna River.
  • $200,000 for the Economic and Community Growth Corporation (Lycoming County): Funding will help transform a brownfield into a multi-field, regional-use baseball/softball complex in the City of Williamsport. 
  • $8,500 for Friends of Salt Springs Park, Inc., Franklin Township, (Susquehanna County): Funding will assist with trail drainage improvements.

Projects receiving (partial) funding from the Watershed Restoration and Protection Program include:

  • $95,000 for Dimock Township (Susquehanna County): Funding will restore and stabilize an unnamed tributary to White Creek in Dimock Twp., located on the property of the Elk Lake School District.  

Projects receiving (full) funding from the Pipeline Investment Program (PIPE) include:

  • $287,379 for Lycoming County: Funding will extend a natural gas pipeline to serve prospective manufacturing companies in the Timber Run Industrial Park, Brady Township.

Voters Will Decide Ballot Questions Regarding the Governor’s Emergency Powers on May 18th 

Deadline to Register for Primary Election is Monday, May 3rd.

4/20/21 – Constitutional Amendment Ballot Questions

Remember this KEY fact:  ALL registered voters are permitted to vote on these three questions during the Primary Election, Independents and members of ALL political parties! 

Senate Blocks Governor’s PUC Appointments 

On several occasions, I have included updates in my E-Newsletter about Environmental Committee activity relevant to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, also known as “RGGI.”  Despite rejection by three DEP advisory panels, the state legislature and a call for a one-year delay by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC), the Wolf Administration continues to push Pennsylvania into a multi-state consortium that imposes a carbon tax on electricity production and requires fossil fuel generators to purchase allowances.  This unilateral action by the governor will shut down coal plants in western Pennsylvania and increase electric rates for every Pennsylvania consumer, impacting everyone’s pocketbook.  

This week, my colleagues and I sent the following letter to Governor Wolf regarding his recent PUC appointments:

Legislation Will Boost Clean Water Efforts

I’m proud to join with Sens. Scott Martin (R-Lancaster) and Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) to advocate for additional funding towards clean water initiatives here in PA.

Our new legislation would establish a “Clean Streams Fund” for Pennsylvania. The fund will be used to protect and restore Pennsylvania’s streams and rivers to stimulate economic growth in communities and improve the quality of life for all Pennsylvanians.

As Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and a member of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, I have been proud to work towards the betterment of Pennsylvania’s 85,000 miles of rivers and streams. Unfortunately, a legacy of intensive land use has left almost one-third of those waters unsafe for either humans or aquatic life.

By restoring these waters, we will reduce the cost of drinking water treatment and invest in our top two industries – tourism and agriculture – by helping farms improve soil health and increasing recreational opportunities throughout the Commonwealth.

Celebrating ‘Conservation District Week’ and Earth Day!

4/21/21 – Conservation District Week

This week, we celebrate two special occasions – “Conservation District Week” and “Earth Day.”  I joined my Senate colleague, Sen. Elder Vogel (R-Lawrence), this year to again designate April 18th-24th, 2021 as “Conservation District Week” in Pennsylvania.  This annual recognition highlights our 66 county conservation districts and the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (PACD).

Through leadership, education and planning, our county conservation districts are committed to protecting our natural resources.  They are the boots on the ground when it comes to conserving our natural resources and developing programs and projects consistent with environmental stewardship.  We are fortunate to have EXCELLENT Conservation District’s in the 23rd Senate District.  I’d like to commend all of the local District staff members for their commitment, hardwork and dedication to our region and to Pennsylvania.

Every April 22nd, we also celebrate Earth Day! Caring for nature, plants, and the land is integral to our own health and that individual responsibility lies with each of us! Whether it’s a healing walk through the woods, picking up litter (while walking!), or buying more Earth-friendly products, we can all make a little difference to improve our planet.

Vaccine Schedule Accelerated Again: All Pennsylvanians Now Eligible

The COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force announced another acceleration of the timeline of distributing vaccines to Pennsylvanians who wish to receive them. As a result, all Pennsylvanians are now eligible to schedule an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

More information about participating providers, vaccine safety, allocation, eligibility and other resources are available at a special webpage created by the Department of Health.

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