Senator Yaw E-Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!

This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Gene Yaw
State Senator


Senate Convenes This Week

Session Calendar and Schedule HERE.

Watch Session and Committees LIVE.

Respecting Taxpayers Remains a Top Priority in State Budget Negotiations

In Pennsylvania, the state budget is to be completed by June 30 of each year. As we work to reach consensus, Senate Republicans are continuing to fight for a budget that respects taxpayers and makes the best use of the state’s resources.

In February, Gov. Josh Shapiro proposed a massive $3.2 billion increase in state spending. Last month, Senate Republicans unveiled an alternative approach that would reduce taxes by approximately $3 billion annually. Instead of growing government bureaucracy and picking winners and losers, our plan would allow Pennsylvanians to decide how their money should be spent. These historic tax cuts would provide relief to every Pennsylvanian who earns a paycheck by reducing the personal income tax rate from 3.07% to 2.8%, and every person paying an electric bill by eliminating the Gross Receipts Tax on energy.

Learn more about the process of enacting the 2024-25 state budget and watch the Senate in session here.

Celebrating 50 Years of Little League Softball

This weekend, we celebrated 50 years of female participation in Little League and the creation of the Little League Softball program.

In 1974, Little League’s charter was amended to allow girls to play Little League Baseball, and a companion softball program was established to bring more opportunities to girls around the world to have an on-field experience. In 2019, the Girls with Game platform was established to celebrate the achievements of girls and women throughout the program. This has evolved to include multiple events, including the Girls with Game Experience which brings NCAA softball teams to Lamade Stadium in the fall for an exhibition game and clinics for youth softball players and their coaches.


Around the Capitol…

Last week the Pennsylvania National Guard hosted Guard and Veterans Day at the state Capitol to share about their duty and military service to the commonwealth and country.

It was great to catch up with my good friend and former colleague, Brigadier General John Pippy. Thank you to all current and veteran guard soldiers and airmen for your service and commitment!

It was a pleasure to meet Zoey Wright, a student from the Susquehanna County Career & Technology Center’s Welding Program. Zoe is already working in the industry, having started her journey through dual enrollment classes in her sophomore year. These classes have allowed Zoey to complete an entire year of Lackawanna College’s PNG program. 

Zoey’s dedication, tenacity and work ethic led her to a field internship with Coterra Energy between her junior and senior years of high school – an opportunity reserved for college students. Throughout her internship, she progressed from safety and equipment identification to hands-on activities and eventually ran her own routes, akin to a seasoned well-tender. 

Zoey’s achievements did not go unnoticed. Earlier this year, the American Petroleum Institute (API) recognized her extraordinary accomplishments. API personally invited Zoey to Washington, D.C., where her story was featured during the worldwide broadcast of the State of American Energy, highlighting her as a beacon of success in the industry.

Zoey’s journey will continue this summer when she explores the midstream sector of the energy industry, spending time working in the compression and pipeline sectors. Learn more about Zoey’s journey HERE.  

Zoey is expected to complete her studies at Lackawanna College School of PNG in spring 2025.

Thank you to the Lycoming County United Way for stopping by my office during your trip to Harrisburg for United Way Hill Day. We had a great discussion on funding, legislative priorities, and recent United Way community service initiatives in our region.

It was a pleasure to welcome Boy Scout Troop 600 from West Milton, Union County to the Capitol as the Boy Scouts of America presented their annual report to the commonwealth.

Thank you to the students from Sullivan Elementary School for stopping by our beautiful State Capitol Building during your visit to Harrisburg!

Lewisburg Receives Keystone Communities Main Street Designation

Last week, Lewisburg was deemed a Keystone Communities Main Street, joining 16 other downtowns across Pennsylvania with the designation. Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Rick Siger was on hand to make the announcement.

Keystone Communities Main Street is a designation through DCED’s Keystone Communities Program, which encourages strengthened relationships between public and private entities that support the growth and stability of their communities, the promotion of economic diversity, and the secure quality of life for residents.

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DCNR to Hold Virtual Town Hall Event on Draft Plan for the Future of Pennsylvania Forests

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) State Forester Seth Cassell announced that the Bureau of Forestry will hold a virtual town hall meeting to share perspectives and receive feedback on its draft plan: Forests for All: A Plan for Pennsylvania’s Forests and People.

The strategic plan draft outlines a vision and mission for the future of the Commonwealth’s forests and its people rooted in strengthening the ecosystem management foundations laid by the agency and growing in its connections with people and communities. The current plan outlines five goals in support of that vision and mission.

The plan is currently undergoing review and finalization and is subject to change.

The public town hall will be held from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Registration is required for the event and town hall participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the strategic plan.

Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week

Last week, the Senate recognized the week of June 2nd through June 8th as Chesapeake Bay Awareness Week in Pennsylvania.

The Chesapeake Bay is the largest and most productive estuary in the United States, spanning six states and the District of Columbia. It is fed by 50 major tributaries, including the Susquehanna River, which is the largest tributary into the Bay.

This past week, we had the opportunity to celebrate and educate Pennsylvania’s success in reducing pollution into the Bay and promote opportunities where citizens can act to help restore the Bay themselves.

I am proud to sponsor a resolution with Senator Scott Martin to recognize this important natural resource!

Senate Approves Bills to Reverse Nursing Home Worker Shortage

With the number of older Pennsylvanians rising and nursing homes struggling to find qualified workers, the Senate passed two bills this week to reverse the worker shortage. Both bills now head to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 1102 would increase the number of nursing home workers by streamlining the training and certification process and removing barriers that prevent people from entering the health care workforce in Pennsylvania.

Senate Bill 1104 would further increase the nursing home workforce by enabling high school juniors and seniors to earn up to two elective credits for working or volunteering at a nursing home, personal care home or assisted living facility. Schools would establish program guidelines and procedures to allow students to earn one elective credit for each 250 hours of paid or volunteer work at a qualifying facility.

Legislation Giving Disabled Veterans Financial Relief Receives Senate Support

To provide financial relief to more disabled veterans, the Senate passed Senate Bill 194 to exclude U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Attendance benefits as income when calculating eligibility for Pennsylvania’s 100% Disabled Veterans’ Property Tax Exemption.

Federal Aid and Attendance benefits provide monthly payments to disabled veterans who are housebound or need help with daily activities. Without the exclusion of this federal benefit, some disabled veterans are prevented from qualifying for property tax reductions.

The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Celebrating the Contributions of PA Dairy Farmers

Agriculture is Pennsylvania’s top industry, and dairy products play a significant role by generating $11.8 billion in economic revenue and supporting 47,000 jobs statewide. Of the nearly 5,000 dairy farms in the state, 99% are family-owned with many being handed down generation after generation.

Our dairy farmers work tirelessly each day to provide families everywhere with nutrient-rich foods. Dairy products contain nine essential nutrients that help to manage weight and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis and certain cancers. The nutrient powerhouse also helps build and repair muscle tissue and maintain healthy skin.

Celebrate National Dairy Month by raising a glass of milk or enjoying some delicious ice cream. Pennsylvania has an Ice Cream Trail that boasts great creameries all across the state.


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