Senator Yaw E-Newsletter

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Dear Friends,

Hello! Thank you for subscribing to my E-newsletter. I am honored to serve the 23rd Senate District and look forward to working with you toward building a better future for Pennsylvania!

This E-newsletter serves to keep you updated on what is happening throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties and what I am doing as your state senator in Harrisburg. I hope that you will find this E-newsletter helpful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Gene Yaw
State Senator


November 18, 2019

Bradford County FACT: 

Bradford County remains the largest and most populated county in the Northern Tier Region. The county encompasses 1,147 square miles, with approximately 55 persons per square mile.

Senate Returns to Session This Week

In addition to a Sunday hunting measure (Senate Bill 147), the state Senate could vote on a measure eliminating the statute of limitations for criminal proceedings, (House Bill 962); a bill providing insurance coverage for breast density screenings (Senate Bill 595, currently in Committee); legislation to further combat human trafficking (Senate Bill 60); and House Bill 97, legislation seeking to protect minors from the harmful effects of vaping products.

Both chambers of the Pennsylvania General Assembly will be back in voting session beginning today, November 18th. The Senate’s Legislative Calendar is updated each day the Senate is in Session. The calendar identifies bills and resolutions awaiting Senate floor actions. Visit

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee will consider my bill, Senate Bill 679, allowing counties to adopt a program for “stream cleaning” and maintenance and the removal of obstructions and flood-related hazards from our local waterways. This is certainly an important issue, which I have heard a lot about over the years. My proposal, which mirrors a pilot proposal initiated in Bradford County, would allow counties to submit an application to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that covers the entire county, in order to expedite the process. To watch the Committee Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 9:30AM LIVE, click here.

Telephone Town Hall Set for Tonight

Discussion Will Engage Residents of Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Union Counties

Tonight, I invite you to join me for a Telephone Town Hall event beginning at 6PM to discuss a number of important state-related issues, including pending legislation before the PA Legislature, such as property tax reform, Sunday hunting and more….

The tele-town hall format allows you to participate in a discussion on state issues without the need to travel throughout the region.  You may ask questions or simply remain on the phone line to listen to the conversation. You can sign up for the event in advance by visiting my website at  To read more, click here.

Stay Tuned: Touring Historic Muncy Farms in Lycoming County

November 2019 - Muncy Farms

This month, “A Conversation with Senator Gene Yaw (R-23)” showcases historic Muncy Farms, located in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.

Established in 1769, the property is the oldest standing homestead in the county and served as the original homestead of Samuel Wallis, a surveyor and one of the largest landowners in the region. Interestingly, Wallis also served as a British spy during the American Revolution. Following Samuel Wallis’ death in 1798, the property was then acquired by the Coleman and Brock families. Along with its storied past, the property is significant for original interior and exterior architectural features.

To read more, click here.

Honoring Local Veterans

Veterans from Montoursville and surrounding areas gathered at the Montoursville Cemetery on Veterans Day, along with their families and friends, to honor all who served in war and conflicts. I was honored to be a part of the event.

ICYMI:  Williamsport Sun Gazette – “Group honors veterans’ sacrifice in Montoursville

On Nov. 15th, I joined Rep. Jeff Wheeland to honor the service of military veterans currently employed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Each employee was presented a pin for their service and sacrifice to our country.

In June, Governor Tom Wolf signed an executive order establishing the Pennsylvania State Employee Military Service Recognition Campaign to annually recognize and thank commonwealth employees who serve or have served in the Armed Forces of the United States, the Reserves, and National Guard. Currently, there are approximately 14,000 commonwealth employees who meet the criteria for inclusion in the Campaign. We thank them for their service!

Grant Opportunities Available

This afternoon, (November 18th), DEP’s Director of Environmental Education and Information Center will lead a free 75-minute webinar on how to apply for 2020 Environmental Education Grants. Approximately $300,000 is available in this grant round. The webinar begins at 1PM. For more information and to register for the webinar, visit

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) is urging local workforce development boards (LWBDs) to apply for $2.5 million in new Business-Education Partnership (BEP) grants that will connect businesses and school districts and expand career opportunities throughout Pennsylvania. These programs help increase awareness of in-demand technical careers for students, parents, guardians, and school faculty. Each of the 22 statewide LWDBs are strongly encouraged to apply. For more info, click here.

DEP announced that $30 million is available to help communities restore and protect water quality by reducing abandoned mine drainage and urban and agricultural runoff pollution and addressing harmful algal blooms, climate resiliency, PFAS, and other emerging issues. Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, councils of government, educational institutions, and watershed and other organizations can apply for funding for projects with local or statewide impact. For more info, click here.

A number of other Rural Infrastructure grants are also available:

Smart Rural Community Grant
NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association provides funding to support the development and implementation of innovative broadband enabled solutions to support rural commerce, healthcare, public safety, economic development, education, energy, and other community-oriented initiatives. Application Deadline: December 1, 2019

Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program
USDA grant program assists communities with water or wastewater systems through free technical assistance and/or training provided by the grant recipients. Application Deadline: December 31, 2019

Solid Waste Management Grant Program
USDA grant program assists communities through free technical assistance and/or training provided by the grant recipient to reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources and improve planning and management of solid waste sites in rural areas. Application Deadline: December 31, 2019

Heating Units Repaired at No Cost for Qualifying Union County Residents

With colder weather arriving, SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) offers a Crisis program to residents who qualify for fuel assistance, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and who reside in Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Perry, Snyder and Union counties.

The Crisis program repairs a malfunctioning heating unit at no cost. This program runs from Nov. 1 to April 10. For residents whose heat source is malfunctioning, they should call their county assistance office. The county assistance office will forward the completed referral to SEDA-COG to assign to a subcontractor.

If residents don’t qualify for LIHEAP or Crisis assistance, they may still qualify for SEDA-COG’s Weatherization services. SEDA-COG’s Weatherization services may provide furnace repair, although it is not immediate help, as it would be through Crisis. For more information, and qualifications, click here.

Chesapeake Bay Commission Receives Award

Bottom Row: Warren Elliott, Sen. Gene Yaw, Rep. Ken Cole, Ann Swanson, Marel King, Rep. Garth Everett; Second Row: Sen. Mike Bortner, George Wolff, Sec. Patrick McDonnell, Rep. Keith Gillespie; Third Row: Rep. Art Hershey, Sen. Scott Martin, Sen. Rich Alloway; Top Row: Rep. Mike Sturla, Rep. Russ Fairchild, Sen. Mike Brubaker, Rep. Ron Miller

I recently joined Rep. Garth Everett and our fellow Chesapeake Bay Commission members in accepting the Chesapeake Conservancy’s Champion of the Chesapeake award on behalf of all past and current members of the Commission.

The Chesapeake Conservancy began the Champion of the Chesapeake award in 2014 to honor individuals and organizations that have provided exceptional leadership and dedication to the Chesapeake Bay’s restoration. The award was presented to the Commission by Congressman Bobby Scott (VA-3), one of the founders of the Commission, and U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (MD) provided the keynote address.

It’s a privilege to be part of an organization that is truly bi-partisan and has such a policy impact. I represent the northern tier of the watershed, and my Pennsylvania Senate district has only a remote connection to the Bay, but we all share water. On the Commission, we all learn from each other and try to craft solutions that make sense at home.

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