HARRISBURG – As part of the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP’s) Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Grants Program, applications are now being accepted for watershed planning and restoration grants, according to state Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23), Chairman of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.
“Nonpoint source pollution is the leading cause of water quality problems in Pennsylvania,” said Yaw, who also chairs the tri-state Chesapeake Bay Commission. “These grants will improve water quality in our communities and underscores Pennsylvania’s commitment to keeping our water clean, safe and accessible today and for future generations.”
Funded in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under section 319(h) of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.A. § 1329(h)), the grants are designed to improve and protect waters in this Commonwealth from nonpoint source pollution associated with agricultural activities, abandoned mine drainage (AMD), stormwater runoff, energy resource extraction, and streambank and shoreline degradation.
Examples of projects eligible for funding include:
- design and construction of BMPs, including riparian forest buffers, streambank fencing and erosion/sedimentation/nutrient control practices on cropland;
- animal waste storage systems;
- design and construction of stormwater management BMPs;
- AMD treatment systems; and
- other projects that will reduce nonpoint source pollution in watersheds where streams are impaired.
Eligible applicants include incorporated watershed associations, counties or municipalities, county conservation districts, council of governments or other authorized organizations including nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and municipal authorities.
Applications and all supporting documentation must be submitted online through the Commonwealth’s Electronic Single Application web site at www.esa.dced.state.pa.us/Login.aspx. DEP is now accepting applications. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, October 23, 2020. Hardcopy applications and late submissions will not be considered.
For more information regarding the section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Grants Program, visit DEP’s website at www.dep.pa.gov (select ”Businesses,” then ”Water,” then ”Division of Planning and Conservation,” then ”Nonpoint Source” or select the ”Grants” icon, and look for ”319 Nonpoint Source Grant—for carrying out Section 319 Program Watershed Implementation Plans”).
For more state-related news and information, visit Senator Yaw’s website at www.SenatorGeneYaw.com or on Facebook and Twitter @SenatorGeneYaw.
CONTACT: Rita Zielonis, Chief of Staff
(717) 787-3280