Ohio Senate Leadership to Participate
HARRISBURG – The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a joint public hearing with members of the Ohio General Assembly on Thursday, November 2nd at 10a.m. to discuss inter-state relationships within the PJM electric grid, according to chairman Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23).
The hearing will take place in the Lawerence Welk Room of the Omni William Penn Hotel, 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh.
Testifiers will include Asim Haque, PJM Interconnection Senior Vice President of State & Member Services, Steve DeFrank, Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission Chairman, Glen Thomas, President of GT Power Group, Pat Wood, III, CEO of Hunt Energy Network, and Diane Holder, Vice President of Entity Engagement and Corporate Servies for Reliability First.
Among the Ohio legislators slated to attend is Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Rob McColley (R-1), along with Sen. Bill Reineke (R-26), chair of the Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee, Rep. Dick Stein (R-54), chair of the House of Representatives Public Utilities Committee, and Rep. Darrell Kick (R-98), Chair of the House of Representatives Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
The hearing will be the first of two set to take place between the legislatures. In July, committee members of majority parties in both states convened at Pennsylvania’s Capitol Building in Harrisburg to discuss PJM and the reliability of the mid-Atlantic power grid it manages, its infrastructure, and to provide an update on the future outlook of the region’s power production. The committee chairmen were also among testifiers at an August meeting of PJM’s Board of Managers.
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Elizabeth Weitzel